Chris Parkerson: We have an electrical contracting division for any process that may be involved in steel, wood, wood products, forestry, chemical mining.
Alyssa Stanton: We work with companies, say they’re going to make a bigger facility, our industrial electrical contracting can go in and basically help them lay out the electrical for that new facility and how they’re going to hook up all their equipment and any like laads or anything that’s particular to what doing their doing.
Chris Parkerson: We can do everything from greenfield projects, building new plants, to plant expansions, to being an electrician or extension of their electrical force to help them keep up and running and keep their downtime down. We have created a great culture here that has kept a very low incident rate, which allows us to get into a lot of the facilities where otherwise you may not be able to get in if you have a much lower safety rating than we carry. Our biggest assets are our people and we want to make sure that they go home safe and make sure that we have all the required protective equipment that that person needs.